Intl Gallery – 1976

This gallery is not intended to represent fine photography but as a travelogue of a young man on his first trip out of North America. The places where I found myself were in turmoil leading up to the revolution in Iran, the destruction of Beirut, change of the political and economic guard in Egypt and CIA troubles in Athens with militia armed with machine guns and grenade belts. Even continental Europe didn’t seem too friendly to Americans in our 200th Anniversary year.

I’m not embarrassed to admit I was frightened in what seemed to me totally strange environments with everyday life full of danger, violence and extreme poverty I had never seen before. Much of the time I did my best to hide my camera work. Twice they were taken from me and one broken (sorry, big brother). I was astonished at how hostile governments were towards their people. I was so naive. “You have to fight for your right…”!

It was a time to grow up as an earthling and as a photographer.